The ATMO Hub is part of the data infrastructure of the Helmholtz Research Field Earth and Environment, the so-called Data Hub. In addition to the ATMO Hub, this includes the data of the other participating Helmholtz centres in the research field of marine research (MARE Hub) and terrestrial research (TERRA Hub). At KIT, the ATMO Hub is jointly operated by colleagues from the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK) and the Computing Centre (SCC) as well as the library. In addition to KIT, the Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) is another ATMO Hub partner. Access to data of the ATMO Hub colleagues of the FZJ is possible here.
The IMK operates a variety of instruments and models, which all describe different parameters of the atmosphere and the environment.
- ground-based measurements
- airborne measurements
- aerosol chamber
- model results
A central access to these data and related services is provided by the ATMO Hub at KIT. The KIT ATMO Hub is currently still under construction, so that central access to the data will only be possible in the near future. In addition to data access, demonstrators, visualizations, and other services are currently in preparation.